Model                       :                   Norman 18.5

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                           :                  1973?

Engine & Fuel         :                  Outboard petrol eventually

Capacity                   :                  Good question

Toilet                         :                  Portapotti

Also has VHF radio.


WE are complete novices at this boating lark but very excited by the prospect. No personal or unusual modifications as yet as we're starting from scratch. We have been given 'Pela' by my husband's father and mother who bought the boat new in the early 1970s. It was used weekends on the River Ouse for day trips to York until the kids (my husband, Guy and his sister) apparently lost interest (although I suspect it was the parents really). Pela has been stored since then (about 25-30 years), untouched and not even visited until last week when we ventured to the Marina for a look-see. We think the fibre-glass hull is basically sound and spent a gale-force couple of hours last weekend clearing out the debris and gooey black stuff! We are looking forward to a major restoration job but hope to get her back in the water by the end of summer 2007 (famous last words -watch this space!). We have two young kids of our own now. Wish us boat novices good luck and we'll keep you up-to-date on progress. Hopefully we'll also gain some valuable advice and contacts from other Norman owners through your fantastic website - what a find! We know we're not alone in this quest!

There is more information about "Pela" on the following link
